
Local 54 does accept Visa and MasterCard for the payment of Initiation Fees and Quarterly Union Dues. Payments can be made at the office, by mail, over the telephone and at local meetings. There will be a 5% convenience fee on all credit/debit card transactions.

Dues are paid quarterly and should be paid within the first 21 days of each new quarter.

You must pay the full quarter to receive the working card and button.

  • 1st Quarter- January, February and March
  • 2nd Quarter- April, May and June
  • 3rd Quarter – July, August and September
  • 4th Quarter – October, November and December
1st year $75.00 with insurance$51.00 without insurance
2nd year $75.00 with insurance$51.00 without insurance
3rd year $84.00 with insurance$60.00 without insurance
4th year $96.00 with insurance$72.00 without insurance
Journeyman $108.00 with insurance$84.00 without insurance
Retired $42.00 with insurance$18.00 without insurance
Disabled $42.00 with insurance$18.00 without insurance